The Power To Speak Destiny In The Lives of Children

IMG_1567Teachers have the power to speak destiny in the lives of their students, so believes Mr. Jimmy Page, the featured speaker at Midlothian ISD’s annual administrative retreat (Aug 5, 2014, MISD Board Room).

Mr. Page, serves as Vice President of Field Ministry and the National Director of Health & Fitness for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. [Jimmy] is a speaker, author, triathlete, fitness leader, and coauthor of [four books, ONE WORD,] Wisdom Walks, Wisdom Walks SPORTS, and PrayFit. [He also] hosts a weekly radio segment called FitFridays.

Jimmy shared with MISD’s Leadership Team the value of one word. “By living a single word that embodies the essence of your life at this moment, you’ll find renewed purpose and meaning ….”

The book, ONE WORD, is a great read and T.E. Baxter Elementary School (Midlothian ISD) is noted in the recently published second edition.

About drjstewart

Christian, husband, father, educator, writer, and photographer.
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